
Who is Passport to Italy?

My name is Tara, and I am a lawyer by trade. I started down my own path to dual citizenship after learning about my Italian heritage and the opportunities available to those who can trace Italian lineage. I realized that this is a complicated space filled with potential pitfalls for the unwary. I spent countless hours learning about the process, the documentation requirements, and the rules and regulations concerning applying for recognition. Once I had completed my own, I decided to share this knowledge with others.

So what makes Passport to Italy different?

When you retain Passport to Italy to help you navigate the complicated jure sanguinis process, you will have my personal attention. No shifting your file to an assistant, no annoying phone calls trying to track down someone who knows about your file! You will be able to reach me personally about any questions or concerns that you have throughout the process. Every client receives individualized, one-on-one attention. I offer concierge service to help successfully guide you through this process from start to finish.